To teach you the basics of weightlifting & fat loss,

Workout Pain Free,

& Help you feel more confident in the gym & w/ Your nutrition.



Try out our 6-Week Newbie Challenge (BEGINS Feb 10th, 2024)

Lose 5-10 lbs & increase your overall strength. If you are a newbie or looking to get back into the gym, this program is for you! Get full access to our in-person group training for only $79 in the downtown Mckinney location.


Description: Ready to lose 5-10lbs of fat and build real muscle and strength? Do you need direction with your workouts? Do you need a mapped-out plan?

R&G’s 6-week program gives you all access to Coach Beau & Jamie and sets you up on a plan based on your needs. Get full access to our group training program. You’ll get accountability meetings, and our app with full access to our workouts and progress updates.

You’ll learn how to work out with a purpose and properly.

If you are a beginner or someone looking for something new let us show you our 6-week experience with R&G Fitness. ONLY 5 spots are available. SIGN UP NOW!

Weekly Training Schedule

5:30am - Wed

8am - Sat

9am - Mon / Tues / Thurs

10am - Yoga - Sun

5:30pm - Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / Fri

6:30pm - Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs


  • What do you want out of your gym experience?

  • When you look at your body in the mirror, do you feel like you have lost your confidence? 

  • At the gym do you feel uncomfortable because you are unsure of what to do in the gym?

  • Do you need extra motivation/accountability to push you during workouts? 

  • Are you confused by trendy diets? 

  • Are you looking to take your workouts to the next level? 

What do members say about R&G?

Am I Right for R&G?

(The short answer: yes!)

At R&G Fitness we are a family. We believe you in having a place where the trainers actually know your name and know where you are at in your fitness journey. We cater each workout to the needs of the team. Our coaches also take pride in having skills and knowledge necessary to modify for any injury or fitness level on the spot.

We come from a personal training background and know what everyone is in a different mental & physical space. Everyone has different needs. We understand what works for some, may not work for others. If members come open, willing and ready to learn then everyone can be successful in our program.

We DO NOT believe you have to be the most athletic, the tallest, the strongest or the fastest to join our program. Everyone is different and even win is not equal. Our job is to show you a blueprint towards what success actually looks like.

Look, we know you have a life outside of the gym, and that everyday isn't always easy or fun. We are all human, not fitness robots. We meet everyone where they are at.

Now, we work hard and believe that you can too. 

We are looking for people who want things simplified and a gym that cares about their goals. We are for those who know it is time to change their current lifestyle, improve their performance and want a community to support that dream! 

We know there are no elevators to success, only stairs. Training for that journey begins now. Are you ready?


Find a community with R&G Fitness.

See why our clients love us.

Try out a FREE session.


Ready to Give IT a try?

Fill out Below & Talk to a Coach