For those of you who don’t know, Beau and I set out a goal at the end of August to challenge ourselves for 21 days. The rules were simple…

  1. Log all food religiously

  2. NO junk food

  3. NO alcohol

  4. Take before and after pictures

Before this 21 day shred had started I knew what my calorie intake should be in order to lose weight I was logging food every now and then on my fitness pal I was eating healthy foods the majority of the time. Why wasn’t I getting the results I wanted? After these 21 days of consistently logging my food every single day. And I mean every meal. Even on Saturday and Sunday, and even on the weekdays. I was being honest. And every night I would check to see where I was at. I was under my calories for 20 days. There was a night we decided to “cheat” on our challenge. One of the rules of this 21 day challenge was to not drink. Unexpectedly, we got the chance to go to the #otrii concert and decided to have a few drinks. We went home that night and ate shredded chicken that was actual prepped earlier in the week for lunches. We didn’t hit up a drive thru and grab the garbage to go. We went home and ate chicken... I laughed a little at ourselves the next day too but was also very proud of our discipline after we had been drinking.

I wanted to share this with you because even after knowing how many calories I should’ve been eating. Even after being a personal trainer, I was not seeing the results I knew were possible... UNTIL I started logging EVERYTHING!

If you’re not seeing the progress you would like ask yourself these 2 questions...

  1. Am I writing my food down in some form?

  2. Am I working out consistently?

If you’re not seeing progress after you have answered these 2 questions please message me and let’s talk. But you best believe I am going to ask to see a picture of your food log from the previous 2 weeks!
